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The Womb in the Heart & other Poems
By Chimalum Nwankwo








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"The Womb in the Heart and other Poems reveals the seasoned genious of a poet ion ful control of his craft. It may be tempting to see Chimalum Nwankwo as an heir to the tradition initiated by Christopher Okigbo towards the end of his life. But Nwankwo has moved beyond the simple terms of that influence and evolved a voice of his own. In this collection, he admirably blends a pious evocation of the Igbo poetic sensibility with a bold condemnation of unseemly trends in our contemporary life. The themes are varied-love, art, politics, etc.-but overall we never loose sight of poetry's ancient roots in music nor its equally ancient duty to make us more discerning citizens of our world."
Isidore Okpewho,
Professor of Africana Studies, English
and Comparative Literature.
State University of New York,

"The Womb in the Heart is poised to make a difference in the theory and practice of African Poetry in the early 21st century. It is obviously Nwankwo at his best, not only because he surpasses himself 'chanting and dancing' in African (Igbo) veritable rhythm at its most sublime, but also for the issues Nwankwo raises in the preface, itself an enigmatic, if intriguing discourse - issues of pounding significance to both poetry as a genre and African Poetics. In subject matter and presentation, The Womb in the Heart is bound to agitate our emotions as it dabs our intellect. The aspiring poet, the Poetry teacher, and the general reader will return this collection over and over again for surreal reflections."
Ernest N. Emenyonu PH.D
Professor of English & Director, Africans Studies Preogram
St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, North Carolina

About the author: Born In Anambra State, Nigeria, Chimalum Nwankwo was educated in Nigeria and the United States of America. He holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Texas, Austin, and is currently a Professor of English at North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

His other publications include the following poetry collection:

  • The Womb In The Heart (2002)
  • Feet Of The Limping Dancers (1987)
  • Toward The Aerial Zone (1988) (Win the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Poetry Price in 1998)
  • Voices From Deep Water (1997)
  • Toward the Kingdom of Woman & Man: The Works of Ngugi Wa Thiongo (1992)
  • The Trumpet Dancers (1998) (a play)

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